Feria académica G2

El miércoles 29 de enero tuvimos nuestra Feria Académica, donde los estudiantes de segundo grado dieron una gran demostración de los conocimientos adquiridos en la Unidad 3: Cómo funciona el mundo. 

Empowering Student Ownership in Learning

At our school, we believe that giving students ownership and agency over their learning is key to fostering lifelong curiosity and independence. When students take charge of their learning journey, they develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills.

Grade 1 Academic Fair

Last week, our first graders amazed everyone with their enthusiasm and hard work at the Academic Fair, which marked the end of our Transdisciplinary Unit: Where We Are in Place and Time. The central idea, “Celebrations are universal, but the events and ways of celebrating are characteristic of a culture,” came to life as the children explored the rich traditions of the Chinese, Japanese, Hindu, and Welsh New Year celebrations.

¡Salvemos a los ajolotes!

El pasado miércoles cuatro de diciembre, se llevó a cabo una plática de Forma 1 a Forma 3 de parte de la bióloga Diana Vázquez del Instituto de Biología de la UNAM. La plática tuvo como objetivo informar acerca de los ajolotes y las campañas que se llevan a cabo para restaurar su hábitat y salvaguardarlos.

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