The Learning Adventure Behind Our First School Show

As this was their first year in school, preparing for a winter show was an exciting way for Kinder 1 children to learn and develop in many areas. First, they were introduced to the basic concepts of winter and the season’s characteristics. Through songs, stories, and discussions, they learned about snowflakes, chilly weather, winter animals, and holiday traditions. These activities helped the children connect with the season, giving them a sense of belonging and understanding of the world around them.

Learning Through Nature: Exploring the Life Cycles of Garden Animals

During the inquiry unit, fifth-grade students had the opportunity to engage in a hands-on project about the life cycle of four animal species found in the school’s ecological area: grasshoppers, butterflies, pill bugs, and earthworms. As part of the experience, the children carefully recreated the habitats of these species, ensuring they provided an appropriate environment to closely observe their development. This project was carried out in collaboration with Alice, the fifth-grade English teacher, who supported the students in documenting their findings and enhancing their learning experience in the classroom. Over several weeks, they researched the life cycles, documented their findings, and became responsible caregivers by feeding the animals and monitoring their changes.

End of Year 2024

As 2024 draws to a close, I am writing to thank everyone who has made this first term of the cycle so successful and who has contributed to strengthening our community in ways small and large.

Adiós 2024: Se cierra un ciclo con agradecimiento

El cierre del 2024 es un momento lleno de emociones. Mostrar gratitud al terminar este ciclo es importante porque nos permite reconocer y valorar los esfuerzos, logros y momentos compartidos durante el año. La gratitud, desde esta óptica, fortalece el sentido de comunidad entre estudiantes, docentes y familias, pues nos ayuda a enfocarnos en lo aprendido: ¿Qué logramos concretar en estos meses?, ¿qué hay en nuestras vidas para sentirnos en agradecimiento?

Lanky Creations

En el ir y venir de ideas, corregir textos, solicitar ilustraciones y formar los artículos que formarán parte de la edición no. 33 de Fulcrum, surgió la inquietud de hacer de la publicación más representativa de nuestra Escuela parte de todos y cada uno de nosotros. Entonces nos acercamos a Claudia Ramírez, profesora de español de G5, quien apoya y dirige al Comité Estudiantil de dicho grado.

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